How to Find a Therapist in Long Beach, CA

You love living in Long Beach, with its cute cafes, Fourth Street Friday's and the sweet loooong stretch of Bluff Park! Annnd, Bluff Park is only one of the perfect spots for basking in the sun and enjoying a stroll. As lovely as these things are, they don’t remedy some types of distress, which is why you’re looking for a therapist in Long Beach, CA.

I’d love to help you find a therapist in Long Beach, CA.

Here are some tips to help you find a therapist in long beach.

Tip #1 Finding a therapist in Long Beach:

Write down what the qualities are in a person that inspires you to trust.

Tip #2: Finding the best therapist in Long Beach for YOU.

Draw an image or write down what life would look like when therapy worked for you.

Tip #3:: Who Can Help You Find the best therapist for you in Long Beach

Ask friends or others for recommendations. Sometimes your close relationships know you best and can be excellent support. (Because you know that some of your friends have been in therapy).

Tip #4: Search online for therapists in Long Beach

Check search engines like Psychology Today or The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN). There are more! 

When you find a therapist in long beach you’re curious about, reach out to them!

Share a little info regarding what you’re looking for without going into specific details that compromise your privacy.

What if you don’t hear back from the potential therapist(s) within a couple of days?

That might be because of technical difficulties and currently, lots of therapists are full.

At this time, I have openings and if you don’t hear back from me, reach out again after a couple of days! Sometimes emails and voice messages inadvertently get missed, and I don’t want to miss your call or email. I’ll certainly let you know if I am full.

Repeat this process with a few more therapists. Basically, rinse and repeat for three therapists, at least!

Don’t panic.

Just talk to the therapist about what you’re looking for, what led to the moment you understood you wanted to work with someone, and reached out. Pay attention to how you feel when you talk to the therapist and let your inner compass tell you if it feels like a good fit. Is there a connection? Do you like how the therapist responds to you? Do you feel heard? Many therapists are skilled and have an array of expertise, so let your emotional experience give you a sense of what is right for you. Imagine you are speed dating for finding *your* therapist :P

Hopefully, this all helps you understand how to go forward with finding the support you need. If you are looking for a therapist in Long Beach with immigrant or non-binary experience and clients, I can talk with you about this, and my web page goes further into it. If you’re still unsure and you’d like me to help point you in the right direction, give me a call! Or you can contact me via email @