Clinical Consultation for Therapists with Non-binary Clients

Clinical Consultation for Therapists with Non-binary Clients

Hi, I’m Khan, an immigrant POC therapist in Long Beach, CA!

You LOVE your work…

...but there is this one clinical issue you're struggling with.

Not relating to your clients' non-binary identity, a primary reason they are in therapy in the first place. 

You see non-binary clients, and your client stresses the importance of identity. Yet, you don't know how to confidently integrate gender identity work into the therapy relationship in a way that feels fulfilling to either you or the client. 

So you wonder, "If I can't relate, how can I be sure to effectively help my clients navigate issues related to gender in our therapy work?"

You're committed to being the best therapist you can be, which is why you've been feeling distressed in this area, and you're not sure what to do. You've started doubting the effectiveness of your clinical work.

You've taken trans-specific workshops, read articles, and talked to colleagues, but none of these bring you clarity regarding non-binary identity.

You care immensely.

When you're going through your day, and your clients with non-binary identities pop into your head, you feel heavy. You want to help them with this specific stressor, but you're not sure you know just how to do so.

You've given it your all and done everything you can think of, but it's just. Not. Working.

Worse, it's making you start to doubt your therapist skills. You think, "My training, reading articles, workshops aren't enough."

You feel ambivalent.

You're worried that by staying with some of these clients, you're doing them a disservice and that maybe you should refer them out. But you're not ready to give up just yet. You and your client would like to stay together because there has been so much great work already. 

You wish you knew that you could figure things out with these clients. 

You wish you just knew what to do.

We don't only need therapists who mirror clients' identities.

This area of specialization needs more therapists, just like you, as you are, doing this work. Clinical consultation for therapists is an opportunity for your clinical work to expand further and be transformational for both you and your client! It precisely addresses and confronts the everyday issues of diverse gender identity in the safety of the therapy room.

So imagine if working with non-binary clients felt easy.

Imagine if, when you think of these clients, you feel softness, tenderness, and warmth instead of feeling that pinch of despair. 

Maybe they still struggle in session, but you're no longer worrying about what to do because you understand how to confront this struggle, and you're feeling great about your work. 

You're able to show up to sessions as yourself and recognize that you don't have to share your client's identities. You know how to utilize this difference therapeutically for transformation and more remarkable clinical outcomes. And, I can help you understand how to achieve this.

Whenever this challenge shows up, you know how to talk about it in a way that helps your client. That despair is gone, and it feels natural. 

You see the change in your client, you grasp the impact you have, and you appreciate how you're making a difference in the world — because you're committed to your job.

Clinical Consultation for Therapists with Non-binary Clients

Helping therapists lean into the edge of potential with non-binary clients.

Clinical Consultation for Therapists

Clinical Consultation for Therapists serving Non-binary Clients 

I'm Khan, a licensed therapist in Long Beach, CA. I specialize in working with therapists who serve non-binary clients. As a therapist who is also a non-binary individual, I navigate these challenges from clinical and personal perspectives.  

"I believe that it's absolutely possible to do great work even with identity differences."

For almost a decade, I've been helping therapists recognize how to lean into areas of identity difference with clients, helping them get from anxious worrying to feelings of ease and confidence about what to do in the face of clinical challenges. What I've come to understand is that type of struggle with a client you care about usually manifests just on the other side of a giant breakthrough. All you need is someone to help you lean into the distress rather than walk away from it. Working with colleagues like you is my passion and my zone of genius! I, too, regularly utilize clinical consultation for therapists to keep me balanced and at that breathtaking edge of wonder and potential. 

I'm here to help you figure out how to confidently integrate gender differences into your clinical work and lean forward into that edge of potential, so you can shift from seeing anxiety when you look ahead to feeling awe and excitement for your next steps. 

I would love to help you get there. Together we'll transform the bite of anxiety, taking you from worry and doubt about your therapist skills to feelings of inspiration, understanding, and confidence in your approach.

My approach to Clinical Consultation for Therapists with Non-binary Clients

Clinical consultation inspiring change in the therapist’s development and clinical work!

This is how I will work with you in clinical consultation for therapists with non-binary clients. 

  • We dig into the details of the things that are distressing for you in your work.

  • We tap into ways to soothe that distress while we look at strengths that are already there.

  • We look at your internal process, your response to your client, and your needs.

  • We look at the client's needs.

  • We look at your marketing (from a clinical perspective, not business).

  • We look at your website to see how it speaks to your non-binary clients.

  • We look at onboarding, including informed consent.

I specialize in those "Ah-ha!" moments when the light bulb turns on, so you leave having a sense of how to approach the work as a whole, rather than one specific challenge at a time.

It doesn't have to be this hard. Just the fact that you're seeking consultation for your clinical work with your non-binary clients demonstrates how dedicated you are. You have the curiosity and determination needed to move past the blocks and help your clients more effectively. That's in part why you're reading this right now.

This is a solvable problem! And I can't wait to help you figure out a great route forward.

Clinical Consultation for therapists with non-binary clients FAQs

Wondering if Clinical Consultation for therapists with non-binary clients is for you?

How do I know if I could benefit from clinical consultation for therapists with non-binary identities?

You are a therapist or counselor who wants to grow even more clinically and feel confident about positive outcomes in your clinical work with non-binary clients who are navigating gender identity distress. And you may have already tried trainings, articles, workshops, calling up a colleague… and you're looking for something more. Individual consultation can provide that something more, the catalyst for the change you know is possible. I build a relationship from a place of sincerity, and this allows for vulnerability in sharing what you need help with, what's working, and what isn't so you can access the support and guidance you need.

What is the difference between clinical supervision and clinical consultation?

Clinical supervision is often a requirement of your licensure process. However, you may or may not have had any control over who you worked with, the focus, or the skills that they brought into the room. Clinical consultation is a peer supervision relationship where the clinical consultant has specific skills, expertise, and training to help develop, teach, and provide feedback to the supervisee. It is a collaborative relationship that aims to meet the goals of the supervisee in their clinical development.

What is the difference between clinical consultation and consultation groups for therapists?

In a group environment, the goal may be more focused on general skill development or on a particular skill or theory. The needs of the group as a whole are held at the forefront while attempting to meet the needs of the individual. The clinical consultation groups may be peer consultation groups, or they may be run by a certified consultant. In individual consultation for therapists, the focus is on the needs of you and your clients alone. We can pivot, shift, and provide all the attention needed that you couldn’t get in a peer supervision group. Supervision groups also require a high level of vulnerability to work through issues and insecurities in a group environment. These groups can be very powerful- but they often are most powerful when done over a long period of time where trust can be developed throughout the group.

You might need clinical consultation for therapists with non-binary clients if you resonate with any of the following:

  • feeling lonely in your work and wish you could bounce ideas off someone who specializes in overcoming barriers regarding non-binary identities that come up in clinical work with such clients

  • imposter syndrome is buzzing around, fear of not being the right therapist if you don't share identities with clients seeking help in this area

  • guilt lurking and palpable doubt about your effectiveness is with you and the client in the therapy room

  • you notice that you're avoiding tasks you want to do but can't seem to talk yourself into action, things like documentation, returning calls with specific clients

  • wishing you could again access creativity and inspiration, the stuff that brought you into clinical work

And, with all that said, the best way to know if clinical consultation is right for you is to talk to me! Book a free initial consultation. Just click here.

How long does it take for me to see the change in my client work with the help of clinical consultation?

I hope that you feel a change in your work immediately! During our initial consultation itself, I focus on helping you recognize an approach to your client work that brings you a sense of confidence in how to approach your caseload as a whole, rather than "putting out small fires." That way, the shift you experience in our clinical consultation carries over into several areas of client work. Our time together in clinical consultation is a place where you can vent, express distress and fears, AND it is also an opportunity to access the inspiration you need to understand how to utilize identity differences more effectively and confidently with your clients.

How often do I need to be in clinical consultation?

Unlearning the gender binary takes time, so I start my clinical consultation bi-monthly (2x/mo) for six months or bi-monthly (2x/mo) for 1-year clinical consultation packages.

What is the investment in clinical consultation for therapists with non-binary clients?

Beyond the time and emotional investment in your clinical growth, the financial investment in clinical consultation starts with either:

Clinical consultation package six months (bi-monthly 2x mo) $3,300.

Clinical Consultation package 12 month (bi-monthly 2x/mo) 6,300.

What if I have multiple cases that are in need of clinical consultation or clinical supervision?

I LOVE that you are thinking about more than just one client! It's fantastic to get support with your work. I do this regularly, so I totally get it. Also know, it's common for there to be a theme that reveals itself across cases. Identifying themes is part of how our work together can leave you feeling confident approaching your clinical cases as a whole, rather than resolving one specific distress, or one specific client, at a time. So, please bring in singular issues for clinical consultation, but we can work with multiple cases at once!

How do I get signed up for clinical consultation for therapists with non-binary clients?

First, you will book your initial consultation so we can discuss your clinical needs, you can get a sense of me, and then we will get you scheduled for your initial consultation package. I will send over the contract, and you can pay by credit card, and we will be on our way to clinical consultation that helps you feel inspired!

What is your cancellation policy?

If the clinical consultation session is canceled less than 48 hours before the session or we cannot reschedule it, there is a charge for the full fee of the session.

I’ve read all this, and I’m curious, so now what?

Give me a call, and let's talk! Let's see how clinical consultation can resolve your distress as we work together.

Clinical Consultation for Therapists with Non-binary Clients Inspiring Change

Ready to feel confident and at ease in your work especially with non-binary clients?

Email or call me to set up a free, no-obligation 16-minute conversation:

Email // 562-246-6355

Ready to do work that makes a difference in our world! Give me a call at 562-246-6355 and let's get started on your masterpiece!!